Donate or trade or I may even buy it off of you.

Spring Cleaning!
And again in spite of my best intentions, blogging about ANYTHING fell by the wayside this past year. But I think I have a thought of a way out of my slump...A challenge that I MUST be accountable for!!!
In the course of a recent tidy-up in my multiple yarn stashes (sigh), I spent some time going through a bag of bits. I am one of those people who keeps all the end bits of projects, all the half skeins, the wee balls, pretty well anything. I even keep the trimmed ends and use them to stuff cat toys. I keep bits in case a repair needs to happen or because I just like the yarn or the colour so much. If I gave the project away (often the case) those bits help me remember the feel of the work. And may remind me why I never want to work with that yarn ever again. Sometimes there are enough bits of one sort or another to make something coherent and even quite nice. In my case, this usually means a scarf or wrist warmers. But I have been thinking big lately. As I was dredging around for my Noro Kureyon bits to see how much I had accumulated, I had a thought. You know, one of those lightbulbs...

Now - I love Kureyon. I will happily put up with the occasional knot. I enjoy the texture and un-even-ness and I love to let its colourways unfold. So for me Kureyon is pure pleasure. But I have been to many a knit night or sat around with friends knitting who despair of the appearance of brown or grey or peach or pink or the wrong blue in their Kureyon and they break the yarn and re-attach where it pleases them. This is a fine strategy. But I want those bits of Kureyon THAT YOU DON'T LIKE.

There are people who embark on a Kureyon project and feel the strong need to make the stripes match and therefore end up with lots of partial balls. I would happily take those end bits off your hands if you've had enough of them.
And then there are also a whole group of people who just don't like Kureyon period. They find it scratchy or hard to work with. If you are in that camp and have some distressed balls and bits of Kureyon around that you have tried to love but the relationship just didn't work out, you can send them to me. I will love them.
How? What? Why??
How? If you have just a few bits of Kureyon and don't mind popping them into the mail
Post to:
Brenna MacCrimmon
62 Riverview Gardens
Toronto ON M6S 4E5
Tip: get them as flat as possible to keep the postage down.
and do please include your email or other contact.
If you have just too much to post affordably or if you would like to trade---
Let me know at lostkoma at hotmail dot com
I will be getting together a list of yarn that has been in my stash for too long and there may be something that suits you and your knitting style. That list will be ready shortly after April 21st (can you tell I have a deadline looming?).
I intend to be at the Toronto's Downtown Knit Collective Frolic at the end of April 2012, so that could be a great exchange opportunity. We can set up a time and place. After the 21st of April, I will be more free to drop into Toronto area yarn shops (or cafes or bars) so a meet up can be arranged around a trip to your 'local'.

I know Kureyon while not wildly expensive is also not what you'd call a budget yarn. I know that you may have spent a fair bit on it. I can't afford to buy it from you at retail prices but again if you have quite a bit you wish to unload and can't afford to donate it outright we can possibly work out a deal. email lostkoma at hotmail dot com

Why? I am know I am a Noro-holic and I do love working with Kureyon so there is a certain amount of gratification for me in just that. But I am fascinated with what one person likes and what another doesn't - the pleasure and poison aspect. And I really just want to see WHAT happens when I get all the ''poisons'' together and see what sort of ''pleasure'' I can create with them.

Your contributions greatly appreciated!!
Photo Notes:
Only the bulbs (or eyes as I like to call them) in the blue and greene piece above are Kureyon . It was about 8 feet long and 20 inches wide...All the other knit bits are 100% Kureyon. The squares at the very top are all made from at least 2 different Kureyon colourways each.